The smart knowledge manager

Hello, I'm Sophia.

I enable you
to chat with your documents and data

Imagine being able to create a knowledge base with all the information you need for your job, and being able to query it in the most natural way possible, just as you would with a colleague.

Aevoluta makes this scenario a reality: Sophia, the smart knowledge manager uses artificial intelligence to understand the context of your questions, provide you with accurate answers, and coordinate the activities of the other digital workers in your company.

What makes Sophia unique?

While traditional chatbots are limited by predefined and schematic responses, thanks to the adoption of the most innovative Transformer Language Model technologies, Sophia as a Knowledge manager, offers a more sophisticated human-machine interaction experience. This is due to a deeper understanding of the context of questions and personalized, detailed and relevant responses.

Moreover, Sophia allows you to quickly and flexibly create, update and extend your knowledge base starting from unstructured files of any format, and to coordinate the activities of other digital workers in your company. To enable Sophia to respond to inquiries regarding your products or services, all that is required is the execution of a straightforward document ingestion process, facilitated by our platform

Why Sophia?